Blissful Bali & Singapore

Spices International – Blissful Bali & Singapore

TOUR DATES: March 29 – April 8, 2018

Enjoy a 11-day tour around Bali and Singapore. In Bali, you will get to see natural, cultural, and artistic sites with visits to traditional villages that will make you see the beauty that Bali it has to offer. You will take a road-trip to visit the famous rice terraces, Lake Buyan and Tamblingan where you can take a moment to admire all the nature around you. Also, you will visit a local flower and fruit market where you can purchase tropical fruits. Your visit to Bali will be an easy and enjoyable, with stunning sights, interesting Hindu culture and friendly people. Continue to Singapore, a place where a mass of different cultures, cuisines, influences and architectural styles turn into a vast architectural showcase for you to discover.

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